Spring has sprung here in the Bay Area! Buds, Blooms, Blossoms Bursting, with an overall freshness after recent rains! It’s definitely the time for adventure, exploration, introspection, and renewal.

It’s also the season of Ramadan, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection, and community, and Easter, “an annual Christian festival in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox…” April is National Poetry Month and Jazz Appreciation Month, plus I’m still celebrating my 73rd birthday! Therefore, a very full time!
- How are you celebrating Spring (or Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere)?
- What change are you experiencing?
- In what ways are the personal and global changes reflective of one another?
- What do you want to be different or better in your life?
- Are you willing to accept guidance or support?
As you embark on your own personal adventure, exploration, or introspection, consider that each milestone; a birthday, graduation, promotion, retirement, or relocation is an opportunity to:
- Remember your soul’s mission; that is your divine purpose or soul’s calling. Sometimes as you’re pulled by other people’s expectations or agendas, you can lose sight of who you were born to be and do on Mother Earth. You absolutely have a higher calling. The question is: How are you answering it?
- Assess your skills, talents, and gifts, and determine to what extent you are sharing them to serve, empower or uplift others. How are you making a positive, tangible difference or helping transform your community, business, or workplace so that our world is more peaceful and just, because of the ways you’ve contributed?
- Make renewal and regeneration a priority, be it spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical. Refocus and recommit to daily self-care and soul-care practices to maintain optimal BodyMindSpiritSoul health and wholeness. In this way, you can serve your family, co-workers, or colleagues from a well-spring of vigor and vitality!
Upcoming Opportunities
The Wright Resort Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership Course begins Tuesday, May 3 – June 16, 2022. Active participation in the course generates the following benefits:
- Uniquely Feminine Leadership Qualities & Strategies
- Lessons & Insights from Women (R)evolutionary Leaders Past and Present
- (R)evolutionary Leadership Blueprint and Action Plan
- Greater Confidence and Support as an (R)evolutionary Leader
- Capacity to Co-Create Positive Change within your Business, Organization, or Community
- Skills to Work Intergenerationally and Collaboratively with Other Women, Welcoming their Diverse Skills, Gifts, and Talents
If you want to register or get more detailed information, please schedule a complimentary Liberation Journey Session with me at: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/TWRUM8
For my birthday this year, I’m requesting donations to East Bay Church of Religious Science via FB and my goal is $1,000. I welcome your support!

“Take pleasure in your life’s natural unfolding and evolving. Appreciate the challenges and milestones of the journey. Delight in reaching your destiny. Celebrate it all!”
– Harriet Tubman Wright