Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership Course

Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership is based on women expressing their innate feminine qualities of birthing, tending, nurturing, cultivating, protecting, creating, and harvesting. It encompasses authenticity, soul essence, heart connection, mutual respect, and collaboration for the highest good of the whole.

Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership is catalyzing our innate feminine qualities and collective power as spiritual women entrepreneurs, executives, managers, and changemakers to heal humanity and the planet. In so doing, we activate a new Paradigm of Feminine Presence, thereby seeding an enduring legacy of conscious (r)evolutionary social change.

Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership is partnership and leadership that is life-affirming, equitable and inclusive. It is 1) power with, not power over, also 2) people and the planet over profits. It evolves from intergenerational collaboration, through which diverse talents and skills are viewed as complementary and wholistic. “Woke” Women have the capacity to take on soul-filled, soul-fueled positions of leadership, influence and advocacy in our businesses, organizations and communities to purposefully restore balance, harmony, order, justice and peace throughout the world! 


Supportive step-by-step participatory program of:

  • 6 interactive online sessions to learn and gain (r)evolutionary leadership principles and practices, utilizing creative expression and small group engagement. It includes access to class recordings in case you miss a live session.
  • Private Mighty Networks Group for weekly exchange, mutual support and enrichment.
  • Weekly Assignments to complement and deepen online sessions.
  • One-Hour Private Session with Elder Harriet Tubman Wright.

Session Structure: 

  • Welcome
  • Ritual Opening & Grounding
  • Overview & Intention
  • Content
  • Q&A
  • Discussion & Assignment
  • Feedback & Concerns
  • Ritual Closing 


Through active and consistent participation, women will:

  • Embody uniquely feminine leadership qualities & strategies,
  • Learn lessons from trials and triumphs of women (r)evolutionary leaders past and present,
  • Generate a (R)evolutionary Leadership Blueprint and Action Plan,
  • Develop confidence and support as a (R)evolutionary Leader,
  • Strengthen capacity to co-create positive change within your business, organization, or community,
  • Uplevel skills to work intergenerationally and collaboratively with other women, welcoming their skills, gifts, and talents. 

Schedule a Complimentary GPS “Guidance Purpose Success Session” or invest in a “Liberation Journey Session” with Harriet to learn more

“May I add Harriet Tubman Wright who has also been a significant leader, role model and vessel of Light and Love. Harriet’s extraordinary wisdom and strength represent a Truly Wise Woman bringing the essence of Spirit amongst us. Her brilliant and loving soul is a catalyst for high levels of Truth, Love and Wisdom. I feel wiser and more empowered by the essence of her Being,”

- Lauri Polinsky, Colleague