FREE Self-Care Inventory

“Stress is being out of alignment, balance and circulation by not honoring or expressing your true nature, divine purpose and innate creativity, a condition that leads to disorder and dis-ease in body, mind, spirit and soul; and is reflected in your external environment.”

-Elder Harriet Tubman Wright

5 Self-Care Principles

  • Implement daily BodyMindSpiritSoul practices such as regular exercise, sound nutrition and proper rest,
  • Cultivate positive beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, words and behaviors that create healthy, empowering results in your life,
  • Maintain healthy boundaries by learning when and how to say: “No”, “No, thank you”, or “No, not at this time” without guilt, shame, or apology,
  • Take “time-out” for pampering, play and quality time in nature
  • Celebrate wins, successes and achievements 

The Stress to Serenity Self-Care Solutions Inventory will help you: 

  1. identify your current stress level 
  2. implement daily self-care practices 
  3. improve your overall BodyMindSpiritSoul health and well-being
After you complete the Self-Care Solutions Inventory, please schedule a complimentary GPS Guidance Purpose Success call with me to explore Health and Wellness Options

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