A VIP VISIONING SESSION is designed for the woman who is already accomplished in her field. However, conditions in her workplace, organization, business or community warrant a different level of engagement and leadership. She is called to step up personally and even spiritually.  Her Soul says YES! She seeks expert guidance to step more fully and confidently into her Soul Essence to contribute and/or lead in a more dynamic, creative and transformational manner. 

The VIP VISIONING SESSION is designed to guide and support her. It is a 60-minute phone or zoom call with me through which she:

  • Visioning Infinite Possibilities
  • Vibrant Illuminating Presence
  • Vitalizing Innovative Power

Benefit: The VIP VISIONING SESSION activates a deeper passion to express her soul essence and excel in her innate creativity. It increases her commitment and capacity to heal and transform those with whom she works, and/or leads. She is a dynamic catalyst for (r)evolutionary change, innovation, empowerment and upliftment.

“Your commitment matters! When you commit to your purpose with all your heart and soul, its remarkable that everything necessary to fulfill it is revealed.”

- Elder Harriet Tubman Wright