Women’s Leadership in Community

Women’s Leadership in Community

She who loves unconditionally, nurtures, tends, gathers and co-creates with deep faith, compassion and gratitude embodies the essence of natural feminine power. She has the innate creativity and capacity to flourish as she shares her unique gifts to empower and uplift others.”

- Harriet Tubman Wright

The Women’s Leadership Circle is a 3-month group coaching, support and accountability program for a minimum of 6 participants to:

  1. Explore and re-define feminine qualities of leadership
  2. Identify your unique leadership qualities
  3. Define what it means to be a leader in your organization, business or community
  4. Cultivate your courage and competence as a leader
  5. Develop your personal and professional leadership blueprint

The Women’s Leadership Circle enables you to:

Claim your divine feminine qualities; practice using your leadership skills; share your gift(s) and step into your greatness to transform your organization, business or community, as a conscious, creative, resourceful leader. Create your leadership that helps evolve people and the planet.

For more specific details about components, features and benefits of a Women’s Leadership Circle, and how you can participate in the next Circle, please schedule a Cultivating Leadership Strategy Session (CLSS) with me. During the 45-minute phone session, we will identify current issues, explore new possibilities and determine if a Women’s Leadership Circle is appropriate for you to evolve yourself and work in the world.

Schedule your complimentary CLSS now: [email protected]