Accepting Support to Fulfill Our Intentions

by | Feb 1, 2013 | Inspire, Lifestyle

nest egg goldMoving into February, I’m already assessing intentions and activities that I put in place in December 2012.  In reviewing progress these questions emerge:

  • To what extent have I met my milestones?
  • Where am I called to adjust?
  • Are there new opportunities that I want to integrate into my Action Plan? 

As a result of assessing progress, I’ve noticed that I can be easily distracted by “other people’s agendas.”  Furthermore, I am affirmed in knowing that when I:

  1. Honor what’s most important to me by focusing my time, energy and resources on my priorities I’m more productive and prosperous.
  2. Maintain healthy boundaries and spend quality time on creating and marketing programs, I feel more energized and optimistic.
  3. Stay focused on one project at a time to completion, or at least to a measurable, tangible outcome, I’m closer to fulfilling my intention

Some of what I’m dealing with in myself is true for you as well.  One of the things I recognize with many people is that:

  1. Carrying out our commitments can be challenging
  2. Staying in our comfort zone or maintaining familiar habits provides a false illusion of security
  3. Seeking the right help or support can make the difference between settling for the same-o, same-o, and fulfilling intentions

In addition to working with an Accountability Partner or Business Coach who will call me on my ‘stuff’ and help keep me on task, participating in a Mastermind or Support Circle for a 3-month to 12-month commitment of time is always helpful for me to stay in integrity and “walk my talk.”

  • Do you work with an Accountability Partner?
  • Are you part of a bi-weekly or monthly Mastermind Group?
  • Is investing in a Coach or Mentor an option for you? 

Recognizing that most of us benefit from on-going guidance and support, especially when seeking to stretch beyond our comfort zone to begin or complete a new intention or project, The Wright Resort currently offers 3 options:

  1. Money, Marketing and Soul Coaching  –
  2. Seed-Planting Intention-Setting Action Accountability Circle –
  3. Seeding Success Strategy Session –


If you are truly committed to creating new results and fulfilling your intentions, please email: and let’s explore the best option for you.

Treat yourself to this opportunity for growth, empowerment and fulfillment TODAY!