Are You Fulfilling Your Intentions This Year?

by | Sep 16, 2013 | Health, Inspire, Lifestyle

vision signMoving through September into the final quarter of the year, have you assessed your progress, challenges and wins?  In reviewing progress these questions emerge:



  • Have I met my milestones?
  • Do I need to adjust my priorities?
  • What new opportunities am I integrating into my Final Quarter Action Plan?
  • How can I ensure my success? 

As a result of assessing progress, I’ve noticed that I can be easily distracted by “other people’s agendas.”  Furthermore, when I:

  1. Honor what’s most important to me by focusing my time, energy and resources on my priorities I’m more productive and prosperous.
  2. Maintain healthy boundaries and spend quality time on creating and marketing programs, I feel more energized and optimistic.
  3. Stay focused on one project at a time to completion, or at least to a measurable, tangible outcome, I’m closer to fulfilling my intention

One of the things I recognize with many people is that:

  1. Carrying out your commitments can be challenging
  2. Staying in your comfort zone or maintaining familiar habits provides a false illusion of security
  3. Seeking the right help or support can make the difference between tolerating average or ordinary and joyfully fulfilling intentions

As you contemplate your progress and priorities:

  • Do you work with an Accountability Partner?
  • Are you part of a bi-weekly or monthly Mastermind Group?
  • Is investing in a Coach or Mentor an option for you? 

Recognizing that most of us benefit from on-going guidance and support, especially when seeking to stretch beyond your comfort zone to begin or complete a new intention or project, I’ve created an Action-Accountability-Accelerator Program to support you to honor your priorities, maintain healthy boundaries, stay focused and cross the end-of-year finish line triumphantly:


Moving from Mediocre to Magnificent
Radiating & Cultivating the MAGNIFICENT You
Right Action to Maximize Your Results

A 3-Month Group Coaching Program
Beginning October 2013 

Click for More Info

This 3-Month Group Coaching Program is limited to 7 people. It will be highly focused, fast-paced, stimulating and fun. However, YOU are expected to make the commitment and be responsible to do the work. When you do, in partnership with me, you’ll be richly rewarded! You cross the end-of-the-year finish line victoriously and begin the New Year energized, empowered and triumphant!

If you’re honestly ready to radiate the Magnificent YOU, please contact: to schedule your interview. If you are accepted into this Group Coaching Program, I’ll share details of the program investment and schedule.



Treat yourself to this growth, empowerment and fulfillment opportunity TODAY!

Click for More Info