No one is untouched by the intensity of these times; extreme weather conditions globally, arduous political dynamics and economic hardships, uncertainty and stress on multiple fronts, as well as cycles of pain, joy, grief, frustration, and uncertainty.

Nonetheless, I have claimed August as Appreciation Month! I invited family, friends, and colleagues to focus on all for which to be grateful. The shares on my FB page have truly been phenomenal and have helped shift energy and perspective! What do you appreciate?
Three Perspectives for Your Consideration
A. Accept releasing and letting go, be it:
- Beliefs and attitudes that are misguided and no longer serve or support you,
- Fear, anger, resentment, judgment, blame,
- Personal possessions, businesses or organizations that can no longer provide goods and services,
- Family members, friends or colleagues who have succumbed during this time…
B. Acknowledge the Paradox of Separation and Connection
Perhaps the world has come through the worst of COVID or maybe it’s a condition that people are learning to live with…shifting from sheltering in place to massive protests and strikes. Not only have people relocated to “less expensive” areas of the country or world, the price of weather extremes is also too much! Students are returning to institutions of learning that are short of teachers, staff and other important resources. Some people have no institutions of “formal” learning to which they can start or return!
People of all ages are connecting via ZOOM; families, colleagues, educators, activists, entertainers, and more. As one dear friend said, “I’m becoming a ZOOMBIE!” She’s got plenty of sister and brother zombies…
- How are you experiencing multiple ZOOM gatherings per day?
C. Implement Radical Self-Care

In addition to the ways that you pray, meditate or vision, spending quality time in nature is essential to restore a sense of balance, wonder and appreciation! When I’m at the bay or ocean, I’m rejuvenated as the waves carry my worries away! When I’m in the forest, the wisdom of the trees renews me!
For some, communing with Mother Earth through gardening helps restore a sense of peace, whether it’s cultivating plants, flowers or food. Playing in the dirt is therapeutic and beneficial.
- Do you, your family, or friends take time to revel in nature? Where?
- Have you been to the ocean, a lake, or a waterfall recently?
- Where is your favorite nature environment?
- What indoor or outdoor environment is most refreshing for you?
D. Quality Time in Community
Whether connected via ZOOM, Facebook Live, YouTube, Podcasts, or face-to-face at a church, community center, or home, the bonding and connection that occurs from sharing stories or convening rituals is restorative. Co-creating meaningful actions, such as working on local, state, or national campaigns for upcoming elections, can be beneficial.
Collaborating with other groups or communities may provide a safe refuge and opportunity for mutual support and encouragement. I see several ways that neighbors, colleagues, coworkers, and even strangers are reaching out and connecting with compassion, generosity, and love!
To continue sharing perspectives about the Revolution that we’re experiencing, plus knowing that approximately 5 months remain in 2023, I will facilitate another online “GATHERING” for participants to re-establish/renew intentions and/or create new commitments in your personal, family, spiritual life, business, organization or community.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 3:00PM – 4:15PM(PDT); 6:00PM – 7:15PM(EDT)
Please click on the link below to register in advance now
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the GATHERING.
Please contact me at: [email protected] if you have questions.

“While I acknowledge the conditions that concern or disturb me, regardless of appearances, I accept that divine right order, action, and outcome is occurring. I affirm a greater power operating for the highest good in my life and the affairs of the world. Therefore, I lovingly let go and allow it to be the blessing yet to be revealed.” – Harriet Tubman Wright