Harriet’s Articles

Kemet Nu Know Thyself Educational Tour to Egypt Summer 2019 Some Basic Facts and Overview Highlights

Egypt is on the continent of Africa, considered northeast Africa, (not the Middle East).

It shares land borders with the Gaza Strip, Israel, Libya, the Sudan and includes the Sinai Peninsula which bridges the gap between Africa and Asia. Its population is approximately 95 million people. The River Nile arising from south of the Equator that flows northward through Egypt to drain into the Mediterranean Sea is the longest river in the world and is shared by 11 countries in Africa.

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3 Proven Strategies to Live Purposefully and Prosperously!

We all come to this world with a gift, a passion and purpose. Some of you discover and develop your gift as a young person. You know that you want to be an artist, musician, teacher, mechanic, airline pilot, military professional, tradesperson or business owner. As you pursue your interests, you may receive support and guidance from a parent, counselor or mentor.

How did you receive support and encouragement to pursue your passion? 

Or you may have been discouraged and told:

  • You need to get a college education first,
  • But we always thought you’d take over the family business,
  • You can’t make a living doing that,
  • I always dreamed you would…
  • Really?

Or what I heard: Go to college, so you can get a good job, so you don’t have to depend on a man. (Ask me if I’ve ever been married?)

What were you told when you expressed interest in a particular profession?

Perhaps you don’t recognize your gift or passion. You may not know that you have a purpose or what it is. Therefore, you go along with what’s expected of you. You might be OK living someone else’s dream or doing a job that drains your energy and joy. You might find yourself in a work environment that doesn’t utilize your true skills and talents. Eventually you become bored, frustrated and unhappy!

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What are You Thinking and Doing
As You Approach the Mid-Way Point of the Year…

As you quickly approach the mid-way point of the year, make time to do an assessment.

  1. Where am I based on the intentions that I created for myself at the start of the year?
  2. What intentions have I fulfilled so far?
  3. In what ways have I surpassed or changed my intentions?
  4. For what reasons have I fallen short of achieving my intentions?
  5. What’s necessary for me to get back on point as I enter the second half of the year?

If you’ve not yet made the progress you intended to fulfill your commitments, particularly those to yourself, or achieve your intentions for your business or career, join me for:

Living Your Soul’s Calling Fulfilling Your Life-Changing Intentions Enjoying your Lasting Success Tele-Seminar

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Tapping into the Truth – My Soul Says Yes!

“How good it is to affirm your Oneness with and connection to the Creator and all creation; to feel the endless flow of divine love, creativity, wisdom and joy pulsating through your every interaction. How good it is to be at peace living the Truth.” – Harriet Tubman Wright

 On a daily basis, we are bombarded from every direction to buy this, sign that, watch this, protest that…enough to drive you “mad” if you let it!

The purpose of this article is simply to guide you back to your Source, your Self, your Soul; to return to another realm of reality that I call Truth.

Living in Truth may mean that you’re living against the grain or contrary to the status quo or the majority. However, I believe Living in Truth generates peace of mind, such that when all is said and done, you can say, “All is well with my soul.”

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To Be Healthy, Whole and Soulful!

“Self-Care and Soul-Care are essential practices to sustain a purposeful and prosperous life.” – Harriet Tubman Wright

Beginning the decade of my 70’s has been quite eventful, enjoyable and exhausting!  Celebrating is work and fun! Affirming intentions requires focus and commitment! Staying aligned and balanced calls for discernment and rest!

In recent weeks I’ve been reminded of how essential self-care practices are to stay healthy and whole; particularly when additional demands on my time and energy compel me to re-establish healthy boundaries. For example, learning when and how to say, “No”, “No, thank you”, or “No, not at this time” without guilt, apology or shame.

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3 Keys to Appreciate Milestones and New Beginnings

As some of you know I’m celebrating a milestone birthday this year; 70 years young on April 6!  Most friends know that I normally go to retreat/spa places to celebrate. However, this year I decided to stay in Oakland and have a party!

Maturing into this milestone (along with Mercury Retrograde most of March) has led to a period of reflection and renewal. However, a mini-retreat for more silence and solitude is in the making!

My life is full, rich, ever-changing. I’m increasingly grateful for my BodyMindSpirit health and well-being; my birth family, spiritual family of many branches, village family; appreciating long-time and new relationships that challenge and enrich me. I’m also grateful for the ways in which The Wright Resort continues to evolve into a form of ministry through which I lead mature women career professionals and entrepreneurs to activate, illuminate and liberate their Soul’s Calling, thereby fulfilling their divine life purpose. As change-makers and leaders, they help galvanize those they serve to transform businesses, workplaces, communities and the world.

  • For what are you most grateful at this time in your life?
  • As you enter the next phase of your life, who are you being and becoming?
  • In what ways are your heart and soul frustrated or fulfilled?
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Harriet Tubman’s Leadership Qualities are Keys for Today’s Emerging Leaders

“I freed a thousand slaves – I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”  ~ Harriet Tubman

Freedom is a universal value. We all want to be free from abuse, struggle, pain or fear…free from circumstances that keep us mentally or emotionally enslaved. Ultimately, we want to be free to be and do our best; to pursue and fulfill our dreams; live our Soul’s Calling or Divine Purpose and share our talents to empower those we serve or help transform the world.

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Women Rising, Women Revolutionizing Leading the Movement for Peace, Justice, Sustainability Honoring Women’s History Month 2019

“Women of every color, ethnicity, cultural, spiritual, social and educational background throughout the world are rising up as leaders, visionaries and agents of change to restore balance, peace and justice in the world.” 

– Harriet Tubman Wright

I’m proud to come from a long lineage of powerful African and African American women trailblazers, movers and shakers, those who have defied the odds, broken the barriers and raised the bar of excellence in every field of endeavor!

Africa – In antiquity: Auset, Queen Hatshesut, Queen of Sheba, Queen Nzinga to more contemporary times: Wangari Mathaai, Miriam Makeba, Winnie Mandela, Sobonfu Some’ Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira…

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If You’re Not Living Your Soul’s Calling, Who Is?

Are you settling for stress, mediocrity or stagnation?

In my own life, as I sought to find and fulfill my purpose, I accepted jobs and assignments that helped me earn a living to support myself and my son. I excelled in some jobs and languished in others, ultimately recognizing that I was not being all I was meant to be or doing what I really yearned to do.

In my work with mature women career professionals and entrepreneurs who feel undervalued, frustrated and stressed, I find that a fundamental cause of stress is not accepting your soul’s calling or living your soul purpose. It is not honoring that deep inner desire, true essence and innate creativity.

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2019 – Is this Your Year?

Can you “feel” the potent energy of deep transformation? Are you in the “creative” flow?

Are you ready to:

  • Chart a new direction and explore different territory to expand your horizons?
  • Re-invent yourself or your work to contribute your spiritual and intellectual resources in bold, creative, dynamic ways?
  • Release the mental and emotional chatter, break through self-imposed limitations and free yourself to be all that you can be?
  • Say “YES” to up-level your leadership, expand your visibility and influence in your career, business or community?
  • Celebrate who you are and what you do because you’re being authentic, doing great work and having fun?

These are some of the questions that I’ve been asking myself as I step into the decade of my 70’s. What is the “new story” that I’m creating?

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