Evolving Through Our Rapidly Changing Seasons of Life

by | Sep 22, 2021 | Lifestyle, Women

Welcome, New and Longtime Friends!

Joyful Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere!
Happy Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere!

During global climate change, while weather patterns are no longer predictable, they are more extreme everywhere! With the ongoing global pandemic, every aspect of our lives is changing; business, career, school, family, spiritual, personal…

I recently moved from Oakland and am busily setting up my own household in Hayward, sometimes called the heart of the Bay, https://www.hayward-ca.gov/discover

It’s far more diverse than I realized. I’m now becoming familiar with my immediate neighborhood and beyond.

Tips to Release Excess and Re-Establish Order

Therefore, I’d like to share a few tips from the Environment Chapter of my book, Releasing Stress, Creating Serenity  A BodyMindSprit Self-Care Primer for Busy Women, pages 69 – 72.

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter, find simplicity,

from discord find harmony, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

– Albert Einstein

“Living in a chaotic environment or working in a disorderly space is stressful —mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. One of the most challenging yet rewarding ways to establish and maintain a stress-free environment is to simplify. Simplifying your environment involves decluttering, letting go of items that are no longer suitable or useful to you.

The process of eliminating excess may feel stressful because of the emotional attachment to certain possessions. Rather than allowing the decluttering process to overwhelm or discourage you, get help from a reliable honest friend or a professional organizer.

Take small steps weekly. Begin with one section of a room within a designated timeframe. Bring your decluttering actions to completion, one step and one section at a time. Once you’ve sold, donated or tossed items that no longer serve or suit you, and you’re clear about what you’re keeping and why, you may want to invest in shelves, racks, dividers or other products to organize the possessions that you use.

More than time, this process to simplify your environment takes discipline, discernment, and diligence. You can also have fun with it, by sharing stories about items, celebrating progress, and acknowledging or treating yourself, as you continue simplifying and organizing.”

“Clutter produces contraction and stagnation energy.

Order generates energy of expansion and circulation.”

– Harriet Tubman Wright

I’m sharing these tips with you, while applying them to my process of re-establishing an orderly environment, inside and out! Let’s do this together!

Upcoming Purpose and Passion Summit, September 27 and 28

I’ll be one of the featured expert presenters on this Summit. My topic is: Activating Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership on Monday, Sept 27, 12noon – 12:30PDT.  

The Summit features female entrepreneurs who master the inner and outer game of business so that we can all profit from living our purpose powerfully! It is hosted by my friend Jannette Anderson, the founder of Bodacity. Bodacity is a mindset, a community, and a mission committed to having you “Be the Difference That ONLY You Can Be!”  

Register for FREE Now:


30 plus presenters will share on topics such as:

  • Jill Lublin – The Profit of Kindness
  • Ann Ljungberg – How to build a business that outlasts you
  • Alexis Caldicott – Expert Secrets to Filling Events with Buyers
  • Patsy Sanders – What You Wear Matters

I greatly appreciate your support and participation. Please Register and Come Listen:

During this season of change, let’s come together to provide mutual support, expertise and encouragement!