We’re rapidly approaching year’s end…An intense, challenging, traumatic, revelatory time it’s been. You may feel eager to settle unfinished business, begin anew or you may feel stuck, even depressed…Whatever you’re thinking or feeling, honor it and consider it the Divine Plan for your life unfolding here and now. Be patient for more guidance, understanding, and wisdom to be revealed.

I’m choosing to end the year in deep gratitude for my life, my BodyMindSpirit health, my family, long-time and new friends, my new living space in Hayward, CA with new neighbors and basic household comforts, The Wright Resort services and programs, and the means to communicate with you! I’d appreciate hearing back from you!
- How are you feeling at this time?
- In what way(s) would you describe your journey this year?
- What are your dreams and desires for the new year?
- Can you share anything else on your mind or heart?
One of the most urgent actions that I’m taking is to release excess material belongings, particularly things that have been in storage. It raises significant questions:
- If I’ve not used it in several years, I probably don’t need to keep it, right?
- Is there not someone who could use this item, or can it be tossed?
- How much of “me” have I kept in storage, hidden and not accessible?
Can you relate?
Looking Ahead
As I vision and formulate my 2022 commitments, I’ll continue evolving my role and responsibility as a “seasoned” Elder. Regarding The Wright Resort, I’m excited to share new offerings designed to support and guide “Your Soul Safari to Success” Specifically, for your consideration:
a. Women’s (R)evolutionary Leadership Course, February 8 – March 22, 2022, https://thewrightresort.com/#wrlc
b. VIP VISIONING SESSION – https://thewrightresort.com/vip-visioning-session/
c. Speaking Engagements – https://thewrightresort.com/speaking-2/ on topics of Feminine Leadership, Soul Power and Holistic Health
d. Spiritual Activism Partnerships and Collaborations that advance freedom, peace, and justice
Do you have any special interests or a request for guidance to begin the New Year on the Good Foot? Contact me at: [email protected]

“You can choose to be an illuminating and liberating presence, allowing your magnificence to be seen, heard and felt through conscious and creative leadership that evolves people and the planet.” – Harriet Tubman Wright
Blessed Winter Solstice!
Merry Christmas!
New Year Blessings!