As you prepare for new opportunities and possibilities in 2014, I encourage you to review what worked this year; what you have to celebrate and the practices you want to continue using and developing in the coming year. This is also an ideal time to release attitudes, beliefs or behaviors that don’t work, support or serve you, freeing yourself of limiting energies. Finally vision the new adventures that your want to experience.
- Are there new aspirations, commitments and dreams you seek to fulfill or manifest?
- In what ways are you choosing to share your gift(s) or make a contribution to uplift others?
- What is the priority action you’re committed to take to help evolve yourself, your clients and community?
- How will you make the world a better place for all?
In the *Dagara Medicine Wheel or Cosmology, 2014 is a Mineral Year. Mineral is the quality or energy of communication, story-telling, purpose, memory, particularly remembering your purpose and what you’ve come to do. Mineral is the storage place of memory…the principle of creativity, stories and symbolism, resources. It is said that we carry the memories in our bones and the stories are recorded in the stones.
Therefore, you may feel the energy and desire to live your purpose and passion more fully in 2014. You may feel called to express greater creativity and resourcefulness. You may find yourself sharing and documenting stories, through speaking, writing or simply gathering in circle to tell stories. You may be drawn to communicate more consciously with the ancestors and angels, seeking their guidance and support. You may want to express your divine feminine or sacred masculine…your true essence more fully.
As you move into this New Year, I invite you to do so with integrity, enthusiasm and commitment to your own personal evolution and that of the planet, as you share your brilliance and your gifts in service to others. Breathe into and vision the life and legacy of your deepest desires…partner with others who share your vision and values…and help co-create a world of peace, justice and sustainability. This means that our relationship with the Creator, Mother Earth and all its creations is steeped in a connection of oneness and unconditional love.
Optimal health and well-being on a personal and planetary level is my utmost purpose, carried out through The Wright Resort, A BodyMindSpirit Wellness Center, facilitating experiences that empower you to enrich your life. Pause and contemplate:
- How will I stand up and step out to live my divine purpose more consciously?
- What resources can help me fulfill my priorities and stay on my path when circumstances distract or discourage me?
- With whom can I connect to co-create the shared vision and manifestation of it?
- Am I committed and ready to begin?
Begin by turning within, to your heart…the whisperings and utterances of the heart, where your soul expresses truth—that deep place of inner knowing that is pure, whole, free. You can trust it, believe in it and act from it, doing so with the confidence and courage it takes to know and live the Truth.
Be Still…Be Quiet…Be Surrender…Be Faith…Be Love…
Harriet’s Affirmation
“I allow and accept my true magnificence to be seen, felt, heard in service to humanity.”
Happy New Year! Happy New You!
To learn more about how Harriet and The Wright Resort can serve you, go to:
*The Dagara people are located in Burkina Faso, West Africa.