As you prepare for new opportunities and possibilities in 2013, I encourage you to review what worked and what you want to continue using and developing in the coming year; determine what you can release because it doesn’t work, support or serve you; and finally vision the new adventures that your want to experience.
Are there new aspirations, commitments and dreams you seek to fulfill or manifest?
In what ways are you choosing to share your gift or make a contribution to uplift others?
What is the priority action you’re committed to take to help make the world a better place for all?
We have crossed the threshold to begin a new era. Some call it the 5th Dimension. Others call it the Age of Aquarius, while others define is as the cycle of Conscious Evolution. Regardless of how this new cycle or era is described, it represents the ultimate opportunity to more fully step into our “divine dimension”, with a sacred contract to practice, promote and accept unconditional love as a universal norm.
This is a time when we can truly co-create a world of peace, justice and sustainability. This means that our relationship with the Creator, Mother Earth and all its creations is steeped in unconditional love.
In my mind, these are not lofty ideals but rather the requisite conditions for healthy life on the planet, Mother Earth whose optimal health must also be restored. The health of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren depend on the health and viability of Mother Earth.
How do we translate these requisite conditions for human health and planetary viability in our daily lives?
What does this mean in our daily interactions?
Where do we begin?
In the heart…the whispering and utterances of the heart, where our soul expresses truth—that deep place of inner knowing that is pure, whole, free. You can trust it, believe in it and act from it, doing so with the confidence and courage it takes to know and live the Truth.
Be Still…Be Quiet…Be Surrender…Be Faith…Be Love…