Ready or Not, Time Moves On…

by | Aug 4, 2021 | Inspire, Lifestyle

Welcome new and longtime friends of The Wright Resort!

  1. The 2020 Olympics are quickly coming to a close,
  2. The Pandemic DELTA Variant surges on, affecting those with and without (so-called) vaccines,
  3. Parents are dealing with greater uncertainty about sending their children “back to school”,
  4. Weather extremes are affecting over 50% of the world’s population in life, land and livelihood.

Although you can’t really control anything, your attitude and perspective has everything to do with your capacity to cope, overcome and move on.

Mindset Tools and Tips

Tip #1: Accept change as a positive opportunity, not as a threat. Look for the good in it.

Resistance to change is more stressful than adapting to change. Imagine what rigidity and inflexibility feel like…people and things break if they are unable to bend or flow. They stagnate if they don’t grow. 

Adapting to and flowing with change is how you grow. He or she who learns to change, becomes the change and ultimately triumphs in life. Therefore, accept, enjoy and embrace change.

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing that you will try to hold on to”

– Lao Tzu

Tip #2: Don’t worry about what you can’t control, such as the weather, traffic or your boss.

  • How might you respond to the weather, traffic or a colleague from an empowered place of calmness, courage and compassion?
  • Could you diffuse a potentially dangerous situation by shifting your attitude?
  • Can you visualize a win-win resolution here and now?

When it comes to the weather, we can influence necessary change in our personal habits, donate to climate advocacy organizations and vote responsibly.

Tip #3: Don’t take life so seriously. Lighten up and learn to laugh at yourself.

Laughter is a great stress reliever that will change your perspective in a matter of minutes. And there are innumerable benefits: reduces level of stress hormones, stimulates internal organs and circulation, relieves tension and relaxes muscles. Simply put, laughter elevates your mood and makes you feel good. It’s contagious and can shift the energy of an entire group of people in a matter of minutes. Laugh away the stress and remember, 

“Don’t worry, Be happy.”

– Bobby McFerrin

Tip #4: Refrain from watching, reading or listening to mainstream news.

I recognize this tip may be the most controversial. However, most mainstream news is fear-based and creates undue worry and stress. If it’s a life-threatening matter, you’ll typically receive a text message, phone call, or siren alert!

“When stress and worry dominate thinking, they affect the rhythm of the heart and the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and liver. Directing the subconscious mind to take over and affirm peace, harmony and divine order can bring the physical being into balance and harmony.”

– Rev. Dr. Patrick Cameron
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The Tips taken from: Releasing Stress, Creating Serenity A BodyMindSpirit Self-Care Primer for Busy Women, available at: