Soul Care for Change Makers

Soul Care for Change Makers

A soul awakening is moving from what you used to be  to who you’re supposed to be.
Let the light of your soul shine and awaken others!

-Harriet Tubman Wright

Soul Care is fulfilling your Soul’s Calling; being true to yourself, trusting your intuition and allowing every thought, word and action to evolve from your soul. In this way you maintain alignment, balance, coherence. You emanate peace and bliss!

Soul Care is living your Soul’s Calling doing what you most love in conscious service to people and the planet. Doing so means that you are in the divine flow of being who you’re meant to be and doing what you’re born to do! You are essentially free! 

To thrive during these changing times, Soul Care and Self-Care are essential practices. You may be on the “frontlines” of change as a leader in your community, organization or business. You may be an activist for racial, social or economic justice. Or you may be assisting leaders and causes with spiritual, material or practical support. It’s also possible that you’re carving out the role that best suits you at this time.


  1. Engaging in daily spiritual disciplines such as affirmative prayer, meditation, inspirational reading, journaling,
  1. Affirming an outcome of highest good in personal and collective endeavors coupled with an attitude of gratitude,
  1. Balancing the overall vision or big picture with clarity about the next steps, tasks, milestones to fulfill and celebrate,
  1. Cultivating faith, creativity, resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience with a willingness to consider an alternative point of view or strategy,
  1. Partnering with a mentor, coach or advisor to help you maintain accountability, integrity, BodyMindSpirit self-care practices and joy!


  1. Implementing daily BodyMindSpirit practices such as regular exercise, sound nutrition and proper rest,
  1. Cultivating positive beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, words and behaviors that create healthy, empowering results in your life,
  1. Maintaining healthy boundaries by learning when and how to say “No,” “No, thank you,” or “NO, not at this time,” without guilt, shame or apology,
  1. Taking “time-out” for pampering, play and quality time in nature,
  1. Celebrating wins, successes and achievements. 

Whether you seek to promote or support conscious change in your business, organization or community; go and grow with the flow of technological, political or socio-economic change; or co-facilitate radical social change in the world, doing so with courage, focus and passion  from a healthy base of self-care and soul care is a pre-requisite. Thereby you avoid the risk of burn-out or failure to manifest your vision by keeping self-care and soul care practices as a non-negotiable commitment.

Self-Care and Soul Care practices are essential to sustain  a purposeful and prosperous life. 

- Harriet Tubman Wright

If you believe that social change and global transformation is where you want to make a positive impact, or simply support those who are challenged by moving into a paradigm shift, please schedule a Soul’s Call-to-Action Session with me at:

Be focused, free and fulfilled — a finely tuned co-creator, masterful and magnificent in utmost service to people and the planet, consciously fueled by the eternal divine within!