The Power of Surrender

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Inspire, Lifestyle

Undergoing a major life transition at this time provides a window from which to reflect, heal and grow.  Although I’m intricately and intimately involved in actions precipitated by a recent decision, I’m not in charge and I’m not in control. The Creator, the Higher Power and Presence has got my back and has this handled!

My task is to Trust, Accept, and Surrender.

  • What does this mean for me?
  • How do I navigate this phase of the journey consciously?
  • In what ways can I embrace and embody these principles?

May I share?

  1. Be Present. Stay alert and focused.
  2. Take one step at a time, one day at a time
  3. Refrain from multi-tasking; its counter-productive and stressful
  4. Release judgment and attachment to the outcome. Accept that the outcome may look, feel or be different than what you anticipated
  5. Listen to inner guidance; trust my intuition and follow it
  6. Ask for and accept help; prayer, practical support, resources
  7. Be flexible, compassionate, gentle and patient with yourself and others
  8. Take refresh breaks to recharge your batteries; meditation, quality time in nature, play….
  9. Celebrate progress and appreciate what you’ve already accomplished

Above all, surrender to the process, accept it as highest good unfolding and be grateful for the learning, and ultimately the liberation.

How are these trust, accept and surrender principles are applicable to you, your work and life?

  • In what area can you demonstrate more trust?
  • Rather than resist, what are you willing to release or accept?
  • Is your faith strong enough to embody surrender?

fengshui prosperityIf this article stirred up stuff, be with it and know that you’re being prepared to create more simplicity and spaciousness; ultimately more freedom and fulfillment in your life.