Times of Magnificent Obsession or Unlimited Opportunity

by | Feb 15, 2012 | Lifestyle

In the accelerated, intensified energy of these times, many of us are feeling more stress and anxiety, while others recognize this as an unprecedented time to explore, create and manifest new opportunities; to heal ourselves and our planet.

The impacts of this transition from one planetary cycle to the next amplifies the need to release the old, along with all that doesn’t serve or support who we’re becoming.  The transition magnifies greed, corruption and other acts of desperation borne of fear, a fear that is debilitating, alienation and totally toxic.  Unfortunately some of us are addicted, fed by the media machine and rampant materialism that foments more fear.

Given this scenario:

  • What are the alternatives?
  • Who are we do be or become?
  • What are we to do?

I firmly believe that we are called to move beyond the comfort and discomfort of the familiar.  We are called to be risk-takers and change agents; pioneers willing to engage in the inner healing and transformation that precedes our work in the world.  This inner work may take the form of meditation, prayer, journaling, visioning and other spiritual practices.

With such spiritual practices, we can begin to imagine and intuit the kind of world we want to co-create for ourselves, and more importantly for and with our children and grandchildren.

From the clarity and grounding of spiritual practices, we are called to risk co-creating the new.  New in how we relate to one another from the heart; new in how we educate our children and empower our youth; new in how we exchange goods and services; new in how we engage ourselves within community and new in how we re-create systems of governance and commerce based on equity and justice.

This may sound or feel overwhelming, but within a community of like-hearted and like-minded people committed to a shared vision of opportunity and possibility, we can and will evolve through these times as human beings into our true nature as divine beings.

I look forward to sharing more resources and tools to thrive through these times…and invite you to share your own….