To Be Healthy, Whole and Soulful!

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Evolution, Health, Inspire, Lifestyle

To Be Healthy, Whole and Soulful!

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Evolution, Health, Inspire, Lifestyle

“Self-Care and Soul-Care are essential practices to sustain a purposeful and prosperous life.” – Harriet Tubman Wright

Beginning the decade of my 70’s has been quite eventful, enjoyable and exhausting!  Celebrating is work and fun! Affirming intentions requires focus and commitment! Staying aligned and balanced calls for discernment and rest!

In recent weeks I’ve been reminded of how essential self-care practices are to stay healthy and whole; particularly when additional demands on my time and energy compel me to re-establish healthy boundaries. For example, learning when and how to say, “No”, “No, thank you”, or “No, not at this time” without guilt, apology or shame.

In addition to regular exercise, I enjoy quality time in nature and/or in the spa. This recharges me, so that I can serve others from a place of vigor and vitality.

  • What’s your favorite self-care practice?
  • In what ways can you renew your self-care or soul-care practices?

Another self-care strategy is to pause. Author, Speaker, Coach Cynthia James provides useful tips.

If you have an office or quiet space you can immediately do this process. If you do not have a quiet place, take a break and go outside or to the restroom.

  • Breathe – Simply take a few deep breaths to bring you out of your head and into your body.
  • Attune – Without judging, get clear about what you are thinking and how you are behaving.
  • Release – Consciously decide to surrender thoughts of lack and limitation.
  • Align – Bring in words or affirmations which support you in being grounded.
  • Recharge – Move your body, put on some calming music, take a short nap, and/or take a short walk.

“Self-care is not about indulgence, it’s about self-preservation.” – Audre Lorde

Finally, another way to practice self-care and soul-care is to engage with a spiritual community or cultural gathering to strengthen your connection with like-hearted others.

The choice is yours, to burn out or blossom, to flounder or flow…

“Our soul is like a soft and gentle flower, it needs to be nurtured, cared for, tended to, with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and freedom to bloom into its most precious and beautiful form. This, my friend, is self-love.” – Miya Yamanouchi

Find Releasing Stress, Creating Serenity A BodyMindSpirit Self-Care Primer for Busy Women by Harriet Tubman Wright, for additional resources.