Women Who Lead with Grace

by | Nov 28, 2012 | Inspire, Lifestyle, Women

“The world will be saved by the western woman.” ~ The Dalai Lama, Vancouver Peace Summit, 2009


“Women of every color, ethnicity, cultural, spiritual, social and educational background around the world are evolving as leaders, visionaries and agents of change to restore balance, peace and justice to evolve humanity and the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman Wright, Oakland, CA, 2012

As I think about the Dalai Lama’s statement, I’m encouraged by the fact that I come from a long lineage of powerful Black women; Oprah, Maya, Iyanla, Sojourner, Harriet, Madam CJ, Fannie Lou, Rosa, Shirley, Gwendolyn,  Marian, Billie, Aretha, Mae, Barbara (Jordan and Lee), Angela, to name but a very small few…back to antiquity Auset, Queen Hatshepsut and Nzinga.

Other powerful women who’ve made a difference internationally come to mind such as Mary Magelene, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, Indira Ghandi, and more recently Wangari Mathaai, Benazir Bhutto, Ellen Johnson Serleaf, Aung San Suu Kyi and our own Michelle Obama.

Take a moment to think about your sheroes.

  • What can we learn from and about women leaders of cultural and social traditions different from our own?
  • Are there one or two women who have been influential role models for you?
  • What qualities do these women have in common?
  • In what ways can you apply the lessons of their trials and tribulations to your life?
  • Is there a young woman that you could mentor?

I invite you to share your view of the qualities and characteristics of women of influence, power and leadership that have made a difference in your life.


Learn about The Wright Resort Empowerment Salon: Fruits of the Feminine Cultivating a Legacy of Leadership to Liberate Ourselves and Our World, to be held on Sunday, Dec 2, 2012 in Oakland, CA.
Fruits of the Feminine Empowerment Salon