3 Potent Strategies to Achieve BodyMindSpiritSoul Liberation, Part 1
As 2025 begins, you may be approaching it with anxiety, anticipation, angst, purpose, peace, and poise. Pause Now – Close your eyes and reflect: How do I really feel about the New Year? What do I want to achieve or accomplish? Would I best be served by a coach,...
Follow Your North Star!
The end of 2024 is quickly approaching. With the recent change of season, people are looking backward and forward; perhaps reflecting on achievements and disappointments of this year and now realizing that fewer months remain. Although one can’t control what’s...
Three Keys to Approach the Finish Line with Confidence & Competence
Season’s Greetings, What a momentous time we’re experiencing with the completion of the record-smashing Summer Olympics in France, the US Elections from President to Congressmembers and Senators, including state and local positions/office holders, escalating global...
February was Too Full and Too Short! What Say You?
Family, Friends, Clients, and Subscribers, After a lengthy absence from sharing articles, feeling over-extended and pulled in too many different directions, I now greet you as the changing weather harkens to more sobering surprises and shifts. Are you ready for what’s...
3 Keys to Move Forward Through the Fall Season
Now, in the final quarter of 2023, one may be feeling more anxious about what has not been accomplished or what can be achieved in the coming weeks. Vacillating between disappointment or anxiety may be OK for a short time, however, ultimately, it’s essential to...
Are You Ready for the Revolution Now?
No one is untouched by the intensity of these times; extreme weather conditions globally, arduous political dynamics and economic hardships, uncertainty and stress on multiple fronts, as well as cycles of pain, joy, grief, frustration, and uncertainty. ...
Freedom for All, Free from Apprehension, Free to Ascension
How quickly time moves, whether backward or forward, is debatable. Nonetheless, profound transformation is occurring and, in fact, accelerating! How do you feel about this transformation? What would you like to be different? In what specific ways are you experiencing...
Ongoing Transformation is Leading Us Where?
Beginning the 2nd half of 2023 is indeed a time to reflect. What have I accomplished thus far? How do I feel about where I am this time of year in my life? Is there something else I want to be or do before this year ends? What have I to celebrate? The world and...
3 Tools to Transform from Limitation to Liberation Now!
“I freed a thousand slaves – I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” – Harriet Tubman In the spirit of Harriet Tubman, I help liberate spiritual women entrepreneurs, executives, and changemakers to live their Soul’s Calling, step...
Aspire To Be Your Highest and Best Now!
Welcome Spring! April is my favorite month; Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Holy Days, Jazz Appreciation Month, National Poetry Month and My Birthday….74 years young on April 6! What does the Spring Season mean to you? How are you experiencing this Spring? In...