Moving Forward Collectively on the Path to Freedom…
New Year, Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and Ash Wednesday Greetings! I’m excited to connect again, in writing and on video, to amplify and deepen our way of being with one another this Year of the Rabbit! The Rabbit symbolizes positivity, longevity, deftness,...
Are You Approaching Years End with Apprehension or Enthusiasm?
Family, Friends, and Colleagues! Admittedly, it has been far too long since you’ve heard from me due primarily to health challenges, financial stresses, and good people leaving the planet. As a result, I’ve been in a temporary funk. Can You Relate? Impacts of Recent...
Creating Balance During Fiercely Changing Times
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Autumn Season has begun. It’s my second favorite season highlighting nature’s profound, stunning changes. Seeds of intention were planted at the start of the year, and cultivated during the Spring. Some of us enjoyed succulent Summer...
Becoming a (R)evolutionary Leader to Liberate
Your Clients, Colleagues, and Community Life is an evolutionary journey through which one goes, grows, and glows through the “good, bad, ugly” of every aspect of serving others, be it as an employee, executive, or entrepreneur.Now, moving toward the 9th month of the...
Chaos to Clarity, Turmoil to Tranquility, Part 3
"Certain environments, certain modes of life, and certain rules of conduct are more conducive to inner and outer harmony than others. There are, in fact, certain roads that one may follow. Simplification is one of them." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh...
Chaos to Clarity, Turmoil to Tranquility, Part 2
“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity, from discord find harmony, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein To continue the theme of Releasing Stress and Creating Serenity, it is important that our home and work environment...
Chaos to Clarity, Turmoil to Tranquility, Part 1
“Clutter contains energy of contraction and stagnation. Order generates energy of expansion and circulation.”-Harriet Tubman Wright Our external environment is always a direct reflection of our internal environment. This is true on a personal, communal and global...
Freedom for Me, You, Us
Free from Turmoil, Free to Transform Time waits for no one! We are quickly approaching mid-year! What are you choosing for yourself, family, business, organization, or spiritual center? Who and how are you currently being in your life? What is the most essential...
Sankofa – Looking Back to Move Forward Deeper Higher
Birthdays are always an ideal time to assess; look back and forward, while assessing where I am in the moment. Reflecting on my own life journey, the path I’ve chosen or that chose me is absolutely amazing! Now as an Elder, my perspective feels seasoned and there are...
Appreciating Awesome April 2022
Spring has sprung here in the Bay Area! Buds, Blooms, Blossoms Bursting, with an overall freshness after recent rains! It’s definitely the time for adventure, exploration, introspection, and renewal. It’s also the season of Ramadan, observed by Muslims worldwide as a...